Work Experience Forum & Meetings 2024



Remote offices/teleworking, green mobility and much more... Goals > the creation of at least 6000 jobs in Europe. Innovation > Our new hydrogen bike in our vehicle fleet HubUR is a concept of third place 3.0 (from 80 m² to 3,500 m²) in the form of a franchise that aims to establish itself in all cities in order to offer a service of proximity "all in one". This by adapting to local needs gathered through collaborations initiated with local elected officials and communities. Each location is engaged by an entrepreneur from the region who will invest in this activity with the contribution of our know-how but also the tools and technologies we put in place. In addition, with its European print, our structure allows economies of scale with its digital platform that is also a showcase for all our franchisees but also an e-store and our private blockchain that will also facilitate the loyalty and exploitation of each location. The entrepreneur will be able to focus on his job and will be able to set up partnerships locally with service providers for complementary services such as a nursery, a restaurant/ bar, reception or parcel shipments, a catering service, exhibition fairs, a fitness/ spa room, a technical service or accommodation for our more nomadic clientele.


Youtube channel - HubUR on air
HubUR XL Station project - 3.500 m²