Work Experience Forum & Meetings 2024



Sociabble is recognised as one of the leading solutions for internal communication, employee engagement and employee advocacy. Sociabble is now used in over 180 countries by companies such as Accor, Coca-Cola CCEP, Pierre Fabre, Capgemini and Renault Group.

Livres blancs

Frontline workers & internal communication: keeping the connection alive
7 ways employee advocacy helps cybersecurity companies
The secret of hypergrowth champions


Revolutionize your Employee Comms
Discover Sociabble Enterprise Video, the Next-Gen Video Experience for Employee Communication
Sociabble Trees: grow engagement, one tree at a time

Business cases

Seris : la digitalisation au service des agents de terrain
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Vinci Energies choisit Sociabble pour orchestrer sa communication globale et locale
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Une digital workplace repensée pour les 10 000 collaborateurs du Groupe Pierre Fabre
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